Wednesday, August 21, 2013

토속촌 강마루 Tosokchon Gangmaru

A Korean restaurant near Achasan Station

I went to this restaurant on my friend's birthday. Since it is located near the Children's Grand Park, it might good place to eat Korean foods after visiting the park.


Whenever I came here, I usually ordered normal meal with the price from 5,000KRW to 6,000KRW. However, I ordered Jeongsik (정식) because it's a special day. Jeongsik means a kind of combinations of foods like McDonalds' set menu. So, I ordered Gangmaru Jeongsik (강마루 정식) 12,000KRW and Jeyuk Jeongsik (제육정식) 10,000KRW.

There are so much food here. It isn't possible to take a picture all of food at a time.

There are two kinds of Jjigae which is stew; Doenjang Jjigae and Cheonggukjang. Doenjang Jjigae is little bit stronger than Japanese soup miso, and Cheonggukjang is stronger than Doenjang Jjigae and sticky. However, both foods are good for health.

Even though there were many basic banchans which are side-dishes, we ordered more banchans for free. (Fish and Jjigaes are in Jeongsik, not basic banchans here.) In many other Korean restaurants, we can get more banchans for free. 

제육볶음 Jeyuk Bokeum (Stir-fried Spicy Pork)

불고기 Bulgogi

Although I am on a diet, I ate too much because it was really delicious and my friend's birthday. In this restaurant, there are Korean BBQ, Samkyumsal (Pork Belly), and various kinds of foods with duck. If I have more money, then I will try that food, too.

Address. 53-3, Guui-dong, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea. 서울특별시 광진구 구의동 53-3.
Phone. 82-2-447-1174
Subway. Achasan Station line #5, Exit 2.

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